It's funny when you try to talk family groups it's by generation. If Beth and Jim are gen 1 then these young adults are gen 3. (Sometimes when we go to the bigger reunion, Sam and Anne become gen 1, they slide to the gen 4 position and I become gen 3). It's all relative (ha ha).
Anyway, for years, I've had a niece and nephew sleepover at my house...pizza, movie, craft, and sleeping bags wall to wall in my living room. All ages, all at once. It's a hoot. The thing is after they go away to college...the schedules don't work and frankly...they've graduated. I realized, I had as many (or more) kids who had graduated from the slumber party. So, I started a college age banquet over the Christmas holidays when they are all in town.
This is us, December 2006. I am the good aunt center front. A few missing but a good turnout nonetheless.