This is the mean old dog everyone remembers. He got a bath at Memorial Day every year. He was Beth's dog. He protected the babies until they turned about 2 then it seems like he knew they knew better. He liked having his ears scratched but no one could go near his food. JWE bailed him out of the pound more than once. Here D. Scott helps and Dean supervises.
1 comment:
I recently saw a parallel between Dad and Laddie. The more the kids pulled on old Laddie's ears the more grumpy we made him. The more kids kept coming, borrowing things from dad's desk, borrowing the car, needing allowance or money for band camp or a ride to... the more grumpy he became. I think we wore him out.
My boys are starting to tug on my ears sometimes. I relate more and more to the old man. :) There's a curmudgeon in all of us.
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