Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Look what happens in 10 years

JWE was a semi-pro photographer but when the opportunity presented itself, we had studio shots of the group. Dad was a great photographer so it didn't happen often; but, here are two examples. The top photo was from about 1964 and Christine is the very cute blonde (even if she is a little pouty) toddler. The whole group is happy, cute, and wholesome. Mom and Dad are so so young. The bottom photo is from about 1973. I think it was another church directory photo with the whole crew of 10. If I have the date right, Scott was in technical school, Dave was about a freshman in college, I was a junior in HS. Clearly, several of us are in that difficult teenage nerdy phase (Ok it's ME). Dean was always cool...oh wait, he was cross-eyed as an infant. (gotcha) Hmmmm, hard to weigh that one. It's great that we are ALL cool now...just don't ask our kids (the next generation) about that.

Nice young men in ties and jackets. John and Jay as charming preschoolers. Can't you just see the next generation in these photos? I see Jake and Grace for sure.

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